Communicating with you Network Marketing Team

Sun, Feb 13, 2011

All Posts, Network Marketing

Communicating with you Network Marketing Team

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Now if you have a team at all, I am going to assume you know how to communicate on some level.  Building a successful network marketing company is all about building meaningful relationships and if you have already got someone to sign up to your business you already have the skills to motivate you team.

I would go as far as to say it is virtually impossible to build a successful team without communication.  So if you have team, or even before you start building your team, you need to take an oath to commit to the following:

  • Commitment to Communicate
  • Commitment to Communicating Consistently
  • Commitment to Communicating  Clearly and Concisely
  • Commitment to Check your Conversations

Let’s look at these a little more closely…

Commitment to Communicate

I can’t stress how important it is to communicate with your team.  If you thinking you can run off into the sunset after you sign up your new recruit and expect to be a success, you can forget it.

You need to commit to communicating with you team regularly.  So much so, that you should have a schedule and stick to it.  Making it part of your daily, weekly and monthly routine will help embed this process.

Remember, you don’t just need to be connecting with your team about the company and products.  You should also be connecting with them on a personal level.  Make sure you are friends with them on Social Networks, if they have a blog subscribe to their RSS feed or add them to your Twitterfeed.

Facebook is a great way to remind you of your team member’s birthdays. Add you team to a special list on Facebook so that you can see what they are up to and you can interact with them whenever you are online.

Be sure to congratulate your team on any sales they make, when they recruit new members, or reach new milestones in their business. E-mail them, send them valuable information and send them motivational thoughts.  Even if they don’t always reply, keep up with the communication, so when they really need you, they will know that you are there for them.

Communicate Clearly and Concisely

If you want to switch off your team mates and make them run a mile, then sending them a ridiculously difficult, long and technical message is a sure fire way of succeeding.

Before you send any message, whether it is in an e-mail, message on Facebook, video or tweet, make sure your message is easy to understand.  Your communication should be well written, simple, clear, concise and should do exactly what you intended it to do.

If you are contacting your team about a topic that is complicated such as compensation or binary plans. Try your best to summarize the facts as best you can and then make a link to the corporate example….that way you can’t be responsible for confusing them, in fact it will be apparent that you tried to help them understand.

Remember to use spelling and grammar checks and proofread everything. If you are sharing important and valuable information with your team it is sometimes better to give them a call or chat with them on Skype. Sometimes things just make more sense when you can thrash it out on the phone. Learning how to communicate well with your team will go a long way to building you a successful business.

Communicate Consistently

Consistent communication is one of the most important aspects of all. Communicating regularly will produce the best results.  If you are going to be away for a while whether for vacation, new baby, moving home or other event, make sure your team are well aware of this and let them know when you will be back.

Even better, make sure they have a relationship with other team members and your own up-line so that they always have someone to contact should they have any questions.

You could consider a weekly newsletter, a new blog post, text message, Skype messages, Facebook messages or telephone call.  Anything you can think of, let your team know that they are an important part of your business and that you appreciate them.

Check your conversations

This comes back to your commitment to communicate.  If you send a message out to your team and they then send you a message back, make sure you take the time to answer any questions.  If they want to schedule sometime with you, make sure you make time for them.

Don’t just send a message out and then not make yourself available.  Communication is a two way process, you wouldn’t be in a personal relationship with someone that didn’t answer you when you asked them something.  The same is true of the relationships with your team.

In a world of social media, social networks, e-mail, video communication, telecommunication and the internet, you really have no excuse not to be able to communicate with you team.  In fact I bet your cell phone is within reach of you right now, you might even have Skype and you e-mail account open on your desktop or you might have heard of little known sites such as Facebook and Twitter!

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8 Responses to “Communicating with you Network Marketing Team”

  1. Beth Allen Says:

    You are absolutely right that communication is essential to building a successful network marketing company. It is always a shame to hear, and unfortunately hear a lot, a person say they were recruited in to a company and then never heard from their upline again. As your team grows, it is definitely more difficult to connect one on one AS regularly, which is why a regular team newsletter with updates and inspiration is essential. This is why introducing them to your upline is also important, so they can always find someone for a 3 way or to answer questions. I also love the idea about the schedule ~ I’m going to borrow that one! ;)

    All in all, I’d say that almost every business (or life) scenario will function optimally only when communication is clear, consistent and complete. This is such an important topic, Beth, thanks for writing on it!
    Beth Allen´s last blog ..Achieve Balance Achieve ProsperityMy ComLuv Profile


  2. Joe Remington Says:

    Awesome post Beth; you hit it out of the park with this one. I totally agree with you my friend; communication is key, and without it you simply cannot effectively build a team or business.

    And you are absolutely right Beth “Communicating regularly will produce the best results.” Thanks for writing such great advise, and make today your best day ever.


  3. Chris from Reputation Defense Online Says:

    Hi Beth:

    Could not agree more on the communication side. Since I run our marketing group, it is really tough to get marketing, sales, and then the product/services group on the same page. We set aside 15 minutes each morning to accomplish that in a quick phone meeting.
    Chris@Reputation Defense Online´s last blog ..Facebook Defamation- Slander- And LibelMy ComLuv Profile


  4. Radu Says:

    Communication is very important in any human relationship.The results you get in your network marketing rely on communication skills.I like that you recommend to make a habit from this..a second nature.Definitely gotta practice that little by little.
    Thanks for sharing this Beth:)
    Radu´s last blog ..How to generate your own free leads using FacebookMy ComLuv Profile


  5. Steve Shoemaker Says:

    Beth communication is so key to any type of success I believe. Being consistent and straightforward is always the best way to go. I can see you have a real passion for keeping your team informed they are very lucky.

    Steve Shoemaker´s last blog ..Facebook Share Button For Your Like Pages And GroupsMy ComLuv Profile


  6. Social Media Vanessa Says:


    I completely agree with every point you highlighted here. The only thing I would add is that this is not just great information for building a network marketing team, but for ALL your business communications.

    I find all these points ABSOLUTELY vital in my social media business. So much so that I actually have a checklist of daily activities and go through and check each item as I complete it, so nothing gets neglected. Even responding to messages and friending/following goes on the list, although it seems so integral to everything.

    Thanks for the great reminder. I’m bookmarking this post so I can return to it again and again.

    Live with passion and purpose,
    Social Media Vanessa´s last blog ..How To Build Rapport Through EmailMy ComLuv Profile


  7. Dave and Dawn Cook Says:

    Hi Beth,
    Your well-written post has such great points on the art of communicating with your team. You certainly spoke the truth up front when you said you can’t sign them up and then expect them to succeed without your involvement and communication.

    With our communication, we can inspire them in ways we don’t even think about. We do that by developing a personal relationship using the keys to communication you list in your post. Having a communication schedule/system like you recommended will keep you on track and keep any team member from slipping through the cracks.

    To be a leader you must master communication and no better place to start than with your network marketing team. The benefits will be success for the whole team!

    Dawn and (Dave)
    Dave and Dawn Cook´s last blog ..3 Simple Videos Show How To Set Up Your Blog FastMy ComLuv Profile


  8. Steve Nicholas Says:

    Great post, Beth! I think that, in addition to regular contact with the people in our team, another important thing to remember is to try to send something personal. Even if it’s only once a month, it definitely makes you feel a lot better than just knowing that you are just another person on someone’s copy-and-paste job. Real communication involves individual conversation as well as group conversation.


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