How to Get Your Energy Back?

Asthenia - this is the name of the condition that we all so dislike. This is not the fatigue that will pass, it will not go away after a day of rest. This is not a lack of motivation when it is necessary to switch to something else, your energy will not come back. This is a state in which there is no strength for even the most beloved of affairs and no rest can improve this state of body and mind.

Visit a Doctor

All people encounter asthenia at least once in their lives. And if it does not pass after a rest, the normalization of nutrition and lifestyle, it's time to start looking for the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon, despite the fact that it may be quite hard to do. First, it is necessary to exclude somatic (physiological) causes. To do this, we must first see a therapist, explain our condition and ask to schedule an examination. These will be standard tests plus hormonal status check-ups, and, depending on your medical history, there may be tests for autoimmune, inflammatory, and infectious diseases.

Things You Need

If all tests are normal or you have undergone a prescribed treatment, and the condition has not improved, we must move on. Carefully study your schedule: is there a time for rest among all of the duties that you have? Not the mandatory rest, like going on a family vacation that is more about your children than yourself, but your personal rest in a format that you want? What is the "I need" and "I want" ratio in your schedule? Is there any “I want” at all? Start writing a list of things that you need to provide for your children and family (existing or hypothetical): love, acceptance, healthy nutrition, the ability to develop, control and reasonable restrictions, harmonious physical development, continue on this list yourself. Get back reading this article only after this step was completed.

Green, Yellow, Red

Now take a green marker and highlight the things that you perform for yourself. Now - now with a red marker – highlight the things the importance of which you understand, but you don’t have the time to complete them. Done? Let's continue: with a yellow marker you must highlight the things, the fulfillment of which does not seem important to you (or they are low in comparison).

And thus we now have three lists of things. You should praise yourself for the completion of green tasks! The tasks that were highlighted with red color should not be recognized as being important to you, those are mandatory tasks that you must complete, but they should be lower on your list of priorities, below the green ones.

What About the Yellow?

For each item on this list, make a table that will list all of the pros of completing a task and cons of ignoring it. This way, most of the yellow tasks will be moved to the red list. Now let's try to review the list of things that you are not doing for yourself:

  • Think about every single task: is it really all that important?
  • Is it possible to do this task less often?
  • Is it possible to shift this task onto someone else?
  • What happens if you don't do it?