If you aren’t using Google Analytics to enhance your blogging strategy, you really should think about it? Google provides you with a free service, that is really invaluable and will provide you with a rich amount of information that will enhance how you use your blog to attract customers and ultimately convert traffic into sales. Google Analytics can tell you about the who, what, why and when of your traffic, information like:
- How much traffic your getting,
- Where your traffic is coming from,
- What your traffic does when it gets on your site
It’s all about the Keywords
By analyzing and drilling down in to the Keywords in Google Analytics you will be able to get a greater sense of your traffic identity. It will also let you know which keywords are bring people to your site, what your traffic is looking for and which pages they are ending up on. This may also help you discover what the reasons are for people visiting your site. Once you know what your audience is looking for, you can create content that is more meaningful to your audience, you will also be able to be more intelligent about the kinds of offers and ‘calls to action’ you place on your pages.
Leaving so soon?
It is a sad fact, you take all that effort getting your traffic to land, interact and enjoy their stay on your site, only to find they only stopped by for 3 minutes. Yes traffic is going to leave, so we can either get upset about it, or find out why they are leaving and where they are heading to next. Once you get an idea of those pages that are more appealing you can enhance or ditch all your less well performing ones.
Converting Clicks
Google Analytics will show you which of your landing pages is having the most success, which ones are converting sales and whether these sales are form new or returning customers. Once you know this information you can create more like it, or put your efforts into driving more traffic to these specific pages, to ultimately increase your cash-flow further.
I hope that gives you a flavor of what you can do to enhance what you blog about. Google Analytics is a great way to think more creatively about the way that you blog, allowing you to learn much less by trial and error and more by using intelligent data. The next thing that you will want to do is set up Google Analytics on your site. There is a really great plugin called Google Analyticator which you can search in your plugin section and which makes setting it up so much easier. Watch this video overview to get you started.
December 12th, 2011 at 1:17 am
Yes, Google Analytics isn’t the big picture but hints it. It’s up to you how to turn those numbers around.
Simon@Fiskehjul´s last [type] ..ABU Revo Neos 30D
December 12th, 2011 at 4:04 am
Thanks for this article. I didn’t have google analytics on my site (knew it was important, but was a little too lazy). You article gave me the impetus to get off my butt and actually do it. Thank you!
Monick Halm´s last [type] ..Let’s Hit the Sheets
December 12th, 2011 at 9:43 pm
Google is the game to play with search traffic and using free Google Analytics and linking you Google Plus profile page with your author info makes you look like an expert even if you’re just getting going. Very encouraging article, sometimes these kind of things just sit on the to do list and a reminder of the value is the nudge we need to get it done.
Kathryn Booth´s last [type] ..Social Media – Always Learning More
December 13th, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Wow! How easy it is with this WP plugin! I have actually tried to set up Google Analytics before, but I couldn’t! Good and easy to understand video guide. Thanks a lot, I hope I can manage now.
Anna´s last [type] ..root canal treatment
December 13th, 2011 at 3:28 pm
Great tips Beth. I love Google Analytics - try not to get too hung up on over-analyzing everything, but it really is amazing the things you can learn by studying that information!
marquita herald´s last [type] ..Why We’re Hooked on Mental Reruns
December 13th, 2011 at 3:31 pm
Beth, I have heard so many conflicting reports over the years on Google Analytics. Some say that we shouldn’t use it because it lets G find out about all our sites so I have taken it off then. But I reckon that their software is sophisticated enough nowadays to find out anyway.
So at present I certainly do have it installed.
Trevor Barrett@Money Advice´s last [type] ..Work From Home Ideas - Auto Profit Machine Review
December 14th, 2011 at 2:29 am
I think I have google analytics, but don’t know how to use it. Really, I’m technology challenged and just want to hire out people for all my tech need! lol
Eldridge DuFauchard´s last [type] ..Remember the Thoughts You Had Right Before You Got on a Rollercoaster?
December 14th, 2011 at 9:11 am
Knowing where your traffic is coming from is something great since you’ll know how you can improve your site for other sources of traffic. That’s how powerful the Google Analytics tool is.
December 14th, 2011 at 1:56 pm
Hi Beth
I use Google Analytics and is do help a lot to track
every thing and get your Stats from were people come from
Every WP blogger need that.
Theuns´s last [type] ..The “It’s all about gratitude!” project is all about YOU! — a message from my partner Steve
bethhewitt80 Reply:
December 14th, 2011 at 9:41 pm
Hey Theuns, nice to see you here again
December 14th, 2011 at 2:28 pm
Hi Beth,
Great advice . It is very important in business online or offline to understand what is working. If you do not know what your clients like you can not provide it. Take care Rosemary
Rosemary O’Shaughnessy´s last [type] ..How to Password Lock Your Android Device
December 21st, 2011 at 3:59 am
Google Analytics is highly recommended because it’s very good and gives you more depth in the reporting than most other free analytics tools. I’ve been using it on all my blogs and websites and consider it a key to better understanding the effectiveness of my marketing efforts.
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