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I just wanted to introduce to you my new baby SocialMedia-Butterfly It is very much a work in progress, but like anything I am sticking with the “got to get going” mentality and I am quite sure that given a few months things will have got off to a good start.
So what on earth is Beth up to?
Well, don’t worry Bethhewittonline, is here to stay, it would be slightly foolish to brush that aside after all the effort I have put into it over the last 9 months (is that all lol!!)…but like any newborn my blog needed a play mate and so I conceived, quite accidently (I know I should be more responsible) sprog, I mean blog numero 2!
I have been battling for sometime with my work life balance, feeling frustrated that I had little time to spend on my passion. (Social Media, Personal Development, helping others and making people laugh.) It was breaking my heart and whilst I never gave up, I kinda changed my perspective on a few things.
The first was that whilst I might not be happy with my current situation, I do know that by working each and every day and putting one foot in front of the other towards my ultimate goal working for myself full-time, I will get there when the time is right. There is no way on this planet that I can fail in that. I have come so far in 9 months, I am only going one way and that is up. I am not going backwards, I won’t let myself.
And so, I did something that completely changed everything. I just surrendered to the situation, not in a white flag, collapsing in a heap way but in a surrendering to myself situation. I surrendered to the frustration and the negativity and the constant longing of wanting to be at my ultimate goal. I swapped the frustration for a feeling of trust. I trust unreservedly myself and the universe that everything I want to achieve in life is right there waiting for me and when then time is right it will present itself to me.
The second thing I did was changed my perspective on my situation. If I am now trusting that my goal will come, then I must make the situation I am in right now, work for me. How can I make, my experience, my knowledge, my day job, the people I know, the people I work with, the job I do, how can I make my current situation work for me.
…..Flashback to January 2010. I went on sick with Stress, Anxiety and Depression, I didn’t tell any of my Online friends, because well, what did it matter? The love you all shared was enough to know that even if I told you, you would all treat me the same anyway. I was working 46 hours a week and I didn’t even know it, ( I am only contracted for 35 hours), I took my work home, I would work in the evening, I would bring work home, I would answer my work emails from home, I felt as though Beth was a little island and the Tide of Work had completely engulfed me.
Now Flash Forward to April 2010 again… I knew once I went back to work (which was in Mid April), Instead of the Tide of Work engulfing me, The Tide of Beth would need to completely penetrate the Island of Work. I needed to bring who I really was to the fore and bring my real personality to life at work.
And this meant my creativity, my positive energy, my humour, my passion for social media, my reading.
I needed to let people know who I was, what I was capable of doing, how much knowledge I had about Social Media and why I would never allow myself to ever be consumed by work again.
Since putting this into practice, since, shouting from the roof tops about who I really am, doors have opened all over the place….which brings me back to SocialMedia-Butterfly.
I want to use the knowledge I have about Local Government about Scrutiny, Politics, Communities, Policy Development, Strategies and make it work for me but with a Social Media Dimension. What is the point of wasting my knowledge and experience? It makes NO sense to let it all slip aside. After all everything happens for a reason and I am guessing that I was supposed to work in Local Government before I get to my ultimate goal!!
So this is what SocialMedia-Butterfly.com is all about
Where bethhewittonline.com is a generic resources for new and old online entrepreneurs to find out about personal development, social media and internet marketing strategies, Socialmedia-butterfly.com is specifically dedicated to supporting local councillors, community leaders, voluntary and community sector groups and small and medium sized businesses learn how to effectively use social media methods to carry out everyday casework, market effectively, gather evidence and communicate with the public.
Who will Socialmedia-Butterfly.Com help?
My aim is to have short sharp and focused video tutorials from how to get set up on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, to more indepth Social Media Strategies.
I can’t wait to unleash SocialMedia-Butterfly and because I will be doing video on social media tools and the basics, I will also be able to post them on Bethhewittonline.com. Two birds one stone, whoop whoop.
Now like any new born blog, it’s going to take a while to build up my twitter following and the sociability of my site and so for starters I would really appreciate it, if you could head over to SocialMedia-Butterfly.com and add yourself to my Googlefriend connect, Please also follow me on Twitter @SocMediaBfly.
So I hope you have enjoyed my post on what I have been up to, what my plans for future are and why making life work for you instead of working for life is a great attitude to have.
Much Love and Success
July 22nd, 2010 at 8:05 pm
What a great idea Beth! I am excited that you have found such an opportunity to share both your knowledge and passion in one place.
It’s pretty cool that some of what you do over at SocialMedia-Butterfly (cool name by the way) can be used here. Way to “multi-task!”
I look forward to visiting SocialMedia-Butterfly once it is unleashed and see what kind of impact you have through that website.
Michael A. Novak´s last blog ..The Best Industry to Learn Leadership
bethhewitt80 Reply:
July 23rd, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Thanks Michael, Yeah I am excited. Watch this space and thanks for the support
July 22nd, 2010 at 8:17 pm
Your energy and enthusiasm rings through this post. I believe you have come to find a balance in your world, which is so awesome! I’ll be happy to support your new venture!
Val Wilcox´s last blog ..Empower Your Dream Life
bethhewitt80 Reply:
July 22nd, 2010 at 8:20 pm
Val lol…I hadn’t even finished editing my post lol…I didnt know it was live yet. One of those days I guess. Thank you for your support Val. You have been a wonderful sincere friend and I am blessed to know you.
bethhewitt80´s last blog ..Enter SocialMedia-Butterfly
July 23rd, 2010 at 9:55 pm
Truly awesome Beth! I am very excited to see what you come out with and I am with you all the way!
Garrett Miller @Young Entrepreneur Blog´s last blog ..SEO and MMA- Search Engine Optimization Specialists Define “Combat Evolved”
bethhewitt80 Reply:
July 24th, 2010 at 7:22 am
Thanks Garret, Looking forward to sharing more with the world.
July 23rd, 2010 at 10:37 pm
Congrats on your SocialMedia-Butterfly launch Beth! I wish you the great success that you deserve! It is obvious in your post that you are following your passion and whenever you do that, doors open and everything you need flows to you.
Again, congrats and I wish you great success!!
Wendy Hewlett
Wendy Hewlett´s last blog ..Keyword Research Is More Important Than Ever
bethhewitt80 Reply:
July 24th, 2010 at 7:22 am
Thank you Wendy, I appreciate your support. Beth